First Time Buyer’s Guide

As a first time home buyer, the process of buying a home can feel overwhelming and daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. My First Time Home Buyer’s Guide is here to help you through!

Are You Ready to Own a Home?

Owning a home may be your dream, but in order for the purchase to go as smoothly and stress-free as possible, you need to be ready both financially and mentally.

If you have the notion that home ownership is having the ability to own pets or paint the walls whatever color you like beware that there are a lot more responsibilities involved.

Ask yourself:

“Am I really ready to buy?” Are you prepared to maintain your home over the years? Realize that part of your income and time will go towards repairs and maintenance. Are you ready to take on the risks of home ownership with a realistic expectation of the rewards?

“How much can I afford?” Create a budget, realizing that all of the expenses for the home will now be your responsibility. If the furnace breaks down in the middle of winter, how will you pay for it? Being house poor is not a good place to be, so really consider the costs to pay your mortgage, utilities, insurance, property taxes, and any large unplanned repairs. It can be discouraging to find that your wage won’t stretch as far as you would like. However, sacrificing a huge part of your income just to pay for a home can very quickly make ownership become a burden. It’s better to buy a modest home now and look at purchasing your “dream home” in a few years.

“What is your debt-to-income ratio?” Lenders take this very seriously. Your overall debt should not be more than 40% of your income, and your housing debt should not be more than 32%. Knowing this number will also help you determine how much home you can afford.

Now that you have made the decision that home ownership is right for you you will want to assemble a team of real estate professionals whose expert knowledge will help focus your hunt, seal the deal, and get you the keys to your first home.

The Step-by-Step of Buying Your First Home

Find the Right Mortgage Lender. The right lender will depend on your specific situation, so I suggest you interview a few. Find out what they can offer you for terms and interest rates and make the choice that is best for you. Most importantly, you will want to find a lender that can provide you with a pre-approval letter. You are far better off starting your home search with a mortgage pre-approval, rather than waiting until after you’ve made an offer on a home.

Wondering where to start? I can help by providing you with a list of my preferred partners who I know will give you the top-notch experience you deserve when buying your first home!

Call Your REALTOR®. With the pre-approval amount to help narrow our search, I will work with you to create a “shopping list”. Trust me, this is the fun part! You get to dream of all the things you would like in your new home—which neighborhood would you like to live in, style, features, etc.—then, together, we will narrow down your list of wants to fit within your budget. Once we have all the wants and needs pinpointed, I will then put together a list of homes that match all your criteria, and set you up on an email service that will automatically let you know when new homes that match your search are listed.

Tour Potential Homes. One of the most important pieces of advice that I can give you when visiting a potential home is to keep your objectives in mind and leave the emotions out of it. Sometimes the idea of owning a home can overwhelm your practical sense, so keep a list of the features that you need and want, and judge each home by the list instead of by details that could distract you from your goal. Together, we will go over the pros and cons of each home we view, and I will help you stay on track and find a great property that you will love!

Find a Real Estate Lawyer. Having a good real estate lawyer is crucial in the home-buying process. The legalities of transferring land ownership can be dodgy, and a lawyer can be your best defense against future legal troubles. A good lawyer can charge several hundred to over a thousand dollars for their services, but the thousands of dollars saved in legal fees later on makes this a good expense. I can recommend several great real estate lawyers in the Humboldt and Saskatoon areas who might be a good fit for you!

Make an Offer. This can be a maze of "buyer", "seller", "chattels", "deposit", and "completion". But don’t you worry—that’s where I come in. I’ll prepare the paperwork and go through it with you before submitting it. Remember, the seller may reject or counter your offer, so even at this late date, avoid setting your heart on the home you hope to own. Once the offer is accepted, you will have to write a deposit check to the seller's broker that proves the seriousness of your offer.

Get a Home Inspection. A home inspector will check for signs of harmful materials, like asbestos, lead paint, and mold. They'll also check for evidence of pests, faulty wiring, and leaks. This is a crucial part of the home purchase. Not getting an inspection done means that you could be stuck in a home with a bad case of black mold and no recourse other than to pay for its removal. Inspections will cost a few hundred dollars, but again, this is more than worth it in the end. There are several inspectors in the area that I can recommend.

Do a Final Walkthrough Before Closing. I would be happy to do this with you to make sure that everything agreed upon is completed prior to the final signing!

From the first interview that determines your requirements to the moment that you receive the keys, I will help you with the complicated process of buying your first home home. Don't hesitate to contact me to find out more about how I can make the home buying process easier!

Take the next step in your journey

I look forward to working with you and helping you reach your home ownership goals. Reach out to get in touch and start the process today. I offer:

Personalized service

Local market knowledge

Excellent communication

Strong negotiating skills

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